Are you registered to vote? Do you want to change your party, your address, your name?
To register online or check your registration (including party affiliation) visit the Secretary of State's Website, or text "Colorado" "CO" or "2Vote" (28683) on a smartphone to be taken to the Secretary of State's website to register to vote or check your registration. You must have a Colorado driver's license or ID card to register or update your registration online.
Don't have a CO driver's license or ID? You can still register to vote in Colorado if you choose.
You can register by mail - you'll need a
voter registration form.
Voters can also register in person at the Clerk and Recorder's Office. Office locations and hours can be found on the website:
El Paso County Clerk and Recorder (includes Colorado Springs)
Teller County Clerk and Recorder (includes Woodland Park)
We aren't affiliated with Campus Vote Project but they have some great information about voting as a student in Colorado!
Check it out!